Austin Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy
Adopted by Vote of the Members on November 30, 2023
These Bylaws constitute the code of rules adopted by the Austin Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy (ATXEFT/ATXCEFT) for the regulation and management of its affairs.
The purpose of Austin Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy is to create a centralized community in Austin, Texas for mental health professionals committed to expanding Emotionally Focused Therapy in the world and creating a professional network for those interested in this model. Mental health professionals, however, do not have to be geographically located in Austin, Texas to become members.
The Austin Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy serves as a community for the promotion of secure, resilient individuals and successful relationships between partners and within families. ATXEFT educates and supports health professionals to increase public awareness about the efficacy of EFT and its role in strengthening relationship bonds and mental health.
The Austin Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy shall be an affiliated community with The International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy. ATXEFT shall maintain, to the best of its ability, a geographically present Emotionally Focused Therapy Supervisor in a directory role and shall adhere to the vision, mission, and regulatory structures set out by ICEEFT.
Austin Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy is a not-for-profit, membership Organization under the laws of the state of Texas. The Organization will operate on a not-for-profit basis. No dividends or distributions will ever be paid to Members, Directors, or officers of the Organization. All income from whatever source derived will be committed to the benefit of the organization.
There shall be three classes of members. The classes will be designated as Professional ICEEFT members, Affiliate members, and student members.
Annual membership fees shall be payable by all members, including affiliated members. Different types of members may be established by the Executive Steering Committee such as full member, affiliate, student, etc. Each year the Executive Steering Committee shall determine the amount of dues for each class and type of member.
A meeting of the members shall be held annually at such place and at such time as is designated by the Chair or by resolution of the Executive Steering Committee. The Executive Steering Committee will give an annual report to the members, and will be open to members input as to current and future goals of the organization. Written notice of annual meetings shall be sent to all members of record ten days prior to the date of such meeting. The notice shall state generally the purpose and the place, date and hour of the meeting.
Special meetings of the members may be called by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. Written notice of annual meetings, which may include email, shall be sent to all members of record ten days prior to the date of such meeting. The notice shall state generally the purpose and the place, date and hour of the meeting. A special meeting may also be convened based on the written request of one-quarter of the members.
One-third of the members will constitute a quorum for the conduct of business either at the Annual Meeting or at Special Meetings. A two-thirds majority of the members at a properly called meeting of the Membership will be required for the members to remove Directors of the Executive Committee as provided in Article III.
Any general member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote. There shall be no vote by proxy. Each member can vote by absentee voting if unable to vote in-person. In order to obtain an absentee ballot, members must contact the Executive Committee at least five days prior to the election. Voting may also be conducted through electronic mail.
Minutes of the proceedings of members, directors, executive and other committee meetings shall be kept. Any member in good standing has a right to examine records of the organization that are not confidential in nature.
Except as to those powers otherwise provided by law, the Executive Committee of Austin Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy, elected and appointed under the provisions of this Article, will manage the business and affairs of this Organization, subject to the Texas Non-Profit Organization Act, and these Bylaws.
The primary duty of the Directors shall be to evaluate and approve the basic objectives and broad policies of the Organization and to assure their effectuation in accordance with the purposes and philosophy of the Organization. The Executive Steering Committee is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Organization. The Executive Steering Committee may assign some or all of these duties to others. Included among the duties of the Executive Steering Committee are:
Managing membership and recruiting new members.
Review, approval and direction for the implementation on initiatives proposed by committees
Chair various committees and attend committee meetings
Invite volunteers and appoint committee members
Review and approve budgets, financial statements, etc.
Ensure that decisions taken and initiatives implemented are consistent with the mission statement of the Austin Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy and the Vision, Mission and Core Values and Principles the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT).
Engage outside professionals as needed such as accountants and legal advisors.
Ensure that the bylaws are upheld.
To be eligible for nomination and/or election as an Executive Board Member, a person must be:
1) An active member in good standing with the Austin Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy,
2) An active member of ICEEFT (International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy) and in good standing,
3) Have completed an ICEEFT approved Externship and Core Skills.
4) Whenever possible, the Chair of the Austin Community for EFT shall be an ICEEFT Certified Emotionally Focused Therapist.
5) Directorships will not be denied to any person based on race, creed, gender, religion, or national origin.
Any elected Director may be removed or suspended from the Executive Committee with or without cause by the Officers of the Organization only after reasonable notice and an opportunity for that Director to be heard. Elected Directors absent from regularly scheduled meetings, without excuse, for two consecutive meetings maybe removed from the Executive Committee by the majority of the remaining Directors.
Any reprimand, discipline or removal of Directors or officers by the Executive Committee must be approved by the affirmative votes of a majority of all the voting Directors then in office.
The Members may remove any elected or appointed Director by a vote of two-thirds of those voting at the Annual Meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose. A Director who is removed by the members is thereby also removed from any office the Director may hold.
Any Director may resign at any time by delivering a written notice to the Secretary or Chair/President of the Executive Committee. Such resignation will take effect upon receipt or at the time specified in the notice.
Unless otherwise provided by law, Directors may participate in a meeting of the members by means of a conference telephone or similar equipment through which all persons can communicate with each other at the same time, and participation at a meeting in this manner shall constitute presence at the meeting.
§ 9. Quorum
A majority of the incumbent Directors—not counting vacancies—will constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting ordinary business. A majority vote of the Directors attending Executive Steering Committee meetings where a quorum is present will constitute an act of the Executive Steering Committee except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws.
§ 10. Compensation
Directors shall not receive compensation for their services as such, but may be reimbursed for bona fide expenses incurred arising out of services rendered on behalf of the Organization. However, nothing herein shall prohibit payment of compensation to an individual serving as a Director who renders services to the Organization in another capacity, except as provided in Article VII (Conflicts of Interest).
The nomination and election of all elected officer positions shall be conducted annually. All voting members of the Chapter shall have the right to vote in the election which shall be conducted by mail ballot (email or postal). Discrimination in election and nomination procedures on the basis of race, color, creed, gender, age, or sexual orientation is forbidden. Candidates who are elected shall assume office on the first day of January following their election and shall hold office for the tenure of their office, or until their successors have been elected and qualified.
§ 2.Removal of Officers
The Executive Committee, by the affirmative vote of a majority of all the voting Directors then in office, may remove any of its officers at any regular or special meeting. No motion to remove an officer may be entertained unless one or more of the Directors proposing the removal gave each Director at least ten days written notice of the time and place of the meeting and of the intention to propose the removal of an officer at that meeting.
The Chair shall hold a term of two years and will preside at all meetings of Members or Directors and shall call Special Meetings of Members or Directors as provided in Article II and Article III. The Chair will keep well informed about the condition of the Austin Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy by managing on a regular, predictable, and ongoing basis all other Board Member/Steering Committee positions. All Board positions will report to the Chair; with exception of subcommittee members that will report to the Board Member heading the subcommittee who will then report to the Chair. The Chair will be the first point of approval or denial for all ATXEFT sponsored activities, spending, programing, member and organizational development and shall bring Member and Director motions to a vote as needed and applicable. The Chair shall ensure that the Community is performing in accordance with ICEEFT Mission, Vision, and regulatory procedures. The Chair will bring before the Executive Committee all matters requiring its consideration, will take care that the policies and decisions of the Executive Committee are faithfully executed, will lead an annual review of Bylaws, will ensure an annual meeting of the Members, will be primary or first delegated point of contact with EFT trainers, the EFT Supervisor serving as Advisory Director, and ICEEFT representatives, and will be lead for issues of conflict that may arise within the Board or Membership or amongst trainers or other EFT representatives that requires attention or resolution.
The Vice Chair shall hold a term of two years and will act in place of the Chair in the event of the Chair’s absence, inability, or refusal to act, and in the case of death, resignation, or removal of the Chair, will succeed to the office of Chair. The Vice Chair shall maintain membership enrollments within the Austin Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy as well as support ICEEFT membership status and will communicate directly with members regarding their membership status, including follow up to ensure ICEEFT status and ATXEFT Directory status are congruent. The Vice Chair will oversee the listserv and membership website: monitoring and adding/subtracting members as needed. The Vice Chair will work directly with any Steering Committee/Board Member position in overseeing their appointed subcommittee. The Vice Chair shall keep informed of ICEEFT policies and regulatory procedures and work in alignment with the Chair to uphold ICEEFT affiliative status. The Vice Chair will lead in community engagement and professional points of contact within Austin, Texas to plan, coordinate and execute EFT promotion, awareness, and education. The Vice Chair will maintain relationships with already established entities that work with ATXEFT to promote EFT such as, but not limited to, Mental Health Professional educational programs and colleges, Directors of Group and Agency Practices, Non-Profits and other organizations that provide direct service psychotherapy related to EFT and others as applicable. The Vice Chair shall maintain a record in the shared google drive of community collaborators, contact information, and how ATXEFT worked with them. The Vice Chair shall oversee a subcommittee dedicated to the coordination and development of EFT promotion, awareness, and education as it relates to membership development.
The Secretary shall hold a term of two years and will record, or ensure that someone records, minutes of all meetings of members and Directors, and will maintain a permanent file of minutes and other documents and records of ATXEFT’s business. The Secretary will not be responsible for the financial records maintained by the Treasurer. The Secretary will see that all books, reports, statements, certificates, and other documents and records (not under the jurisdiction of the Treasurer) of The Austin Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy are properly kept, filed, and organized as up to date in the shared google drive. The Secretary will be responsible for registering and administering Continuing Education Units for all ATXEFT hosted events, presentations, Quarterlies, and trainings that may issue CEU’s including, but not limited to, development of Evaluations, administration of Evaluations, collection and recording of Evaluations regardless of CEU’s given or not. The Secretary shall not be responsible for any CEU’s administration for presenters, trainers, educators, Centers, or other communities outside of ATXEFT without Board Approval demonstrated by a majority vote of Board Members. The Secretary shall send a notice to all members announcing the number and term of Director seats to be filled during an election along with a summary description of seats to be filled and a list of candidates shall be distributed by the Secretary at least ten (10) days prior to the election. Secretary shall oversee a subcommittee for the regulation of CEU’s for non-Texas residents.
The Treasurer shall hold a term of two years and be solely designated and authorized to sign checks, withdraw funds, and make transactions in any account with a financial institution, brokerage house, mutual fund, or other depository and shall work directly with the Chair to maintain the financial records of The Austin Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy. The Treasurer will perform in general all duties incident to the office of Treasurer including annual Tax reports and filing any legal tax records with the State of Texas and/or the City and County jurisdictions as applicable. The Treasurer will prepare a monthly report for the Executive Steering Committee providing an accounting of all transactions and of the financial condition of ATXEFT and an annual financial statement after each fiscal year. Treasurer will use WAZE as a monitor of financial standing until, if and when, another accounting program is found preferable. The Treasurer shall have all credit cards and other methods of monetary exchange including bank accounts put in their name for the duration of their Board tenure. At the end of Board tenure or upon vacating the Board position, the Treasurer shall work with the incumbent Treasurer for however long needed to transition all financial information over to the new incumbent. Further, all spending expenditures will be first approved directly from the Executive Steering Committee or the Chair before final approval by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have input and final approval/denial of any expenditures requested by the Steering Committee/Board Members. The Treasurer either will perform all duties personally or will monitor their performance by an accountant or a bookkeeper as determined by the Executive Committee.
The Director of Networking shall hold a term of two years and be the primary administrator and executor in the dissemination of any and all promotional material related to ATXEFT or affiliate groups such as, but not limited to, ICEEFT, local and national EFT Trainers, and local or national EFT sponsored events that are determined to be relevant to ATXEFT members. The Director of Networking will maintain a social media presence on ATXEFT general website, Facebook, Listserv, Community Forums, and any social media outlets used by ATXEFT to engage and communicate with members. The Director of Networking shall be the leader in all social media campaigns and will create or assist in the creation of visual material to promote events, workshops, and all ATXEFT hosted activities that need marketing and communication. The Director of Networking will actively engage and communicate with other Communities and Centers, particularly in Texas, to coordinate marketing and communication of events and happenings across Texas and to ensure that other Communities and Centers are aware of and have ATXEFT events information as applicable. The Director of Networking will maintain a file of social media campaigning in either the google drive or in a paid account that can be passed to other members, subcommittees, or to an incumbent Director of Networking. The Director of Networking shall oversee a subcommittee, as applicable, to assist in the assembly, dissemination, and follow up for marketing and communication material.
The Director of Member Engagement shall hold a term of two years and be the primary director for Member engagement in the ATXEFT community. The Director for Member Engagement will lead in the management of all membership social activities within ATXEFT and the broader Austin, Texas community. The Director of Member Engagement will find creative ways to regularly create activities like socials, book clubs, movie nights, etc. that promote the education and application of EFT for members and the broader community. The Director of Member Engagement will work with local and regional therapist networking groups to promote membership with ATXEFT and be a source of information for feedback in the development of future ATXEFT community engagement activities.
The Advisory Director shall be a non-voting member that is an ICEEFT Certified EFT Supervisor in the general Austin, Texas geographical location. The Advisory Director preferably offers consultation / supervision on the ATXEFT website and sets up periodic meetings of EFT therapists who support one another and contribute to the further development of EFT and sponsor and promote EFT training in that area. The Advisory Director works closely with the Chair to ensure that the Organization is promoting EFT within the standards set forth by ICEEFT.
Article V. Subcommittees
The Executive Steering Committee may establish special committees as it shall deem necessary for the conduct of the Organization’s affairs. Unless the committee membership is otherwise specified by these Bylaws, the Chair shall appoint the committee members and designate the term of office for each committee member and the Lead of each committee. The leads of each subcommittee, once appointed, shall report to the Executive Director that is the lead point for the subcommittee. Except as may be directed, however, each committee shall have at least one member who is a Director, who may serve as the chair of the committee. The Chair and Co-Chair shall be ex-officio members of each committee. All committees shall keep minutes of their meetings and submit the minutes to the Executive Steering Committee.
The duties, functions and duration of all committees shall be established by resolution of the Executive Steering Committee. Each committee member shall have one vote. Unless otherwise specified by the Executive Steering Committee, a majority of the committee members shall constitute a quorum, and the committee shall conduct its business by a majority vote of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present.
These Bylaws may be amended first by vote of the Executive Steering Committee and second by a vote of a majority of the members voting at the Annual Meeting or at a Special Meeting. Proposed Bylaws amendments may be placed on the ballot through approval of a majority of the Executive Committee or the written demand of one-quarter of the members.
§ 2.Limitation
The members will not have the power to pass any amendment to the Bylaws that would change the non-profit status of the Organization or decrease its rights and powers under the laws of the State of Texas. Any amendment discovered to have either of these effects will be inoperative.
Article VII. Fiscal Matters
The Executive Committee may authorize any Officer or Officers, agency or agents, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Organization, and such authority may be general or confined to a specific instance; and unless so authorized, no Officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Organization by any contract or engagement or to pledge its credit and to render it liable pecuniarily for any purpose or in any amount.
No loans shall be contracted for or on behalf of the Organization and no negotiable papers shall be issued in its name, unless and except as authorized by the Executive Committee. No loans shall be granted to any Director or Officer of the Organization.
All funds of the Organization shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the Organization with such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Executive Committee may select or as may be selected by the officer to whom such authority may be delegated from time to time by the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee may accept on behalf of the Organization any contribution, gift, bequest or devise, for and consistent with general or specific purposes of the Organization. No individual Director of the Executive Committee shall accept any gift or gratuity from any vendor doing business with the Organization.
Article VIII. Conflict of Interest
No contract or transaction between the Organization and one or more of its Directors, or between the Organization and any other organization of which one or more of its Directors are members, shareholders, directors, trustees or officers, or in which any of them has any financial, personal, family or other interest, shall be void or voidable, or in any way affected, solely for this reason, or solely because the Director is present or participates in the meeting of the Directors, or of a committee thereof, which authorizes, approves or ratifies the contract or transaction, if:
The material facts of his or her relationship or interest and as to the contract or transaction are disclosed or are known to the Directors or the committee which authorizes, approves or ratifies the contract or transaction, the Directors or the committee in good faith authorizes, approves or ratifies the contract or transaction by the affirmative vote of the majority of the disinterested persons, even though the disinterested persons are less than a quorum; and
The contract or transaction is in the best interests of the Organization as of the time it is authorized, approved or ratified by the Directors or a committee thereof.
Article IX. Liability and Indemnification
To the extent permitted by law, the Organization shall indemnify its past and present Directors and Officers and their heirs, executors, and administrators, against any and all expenses actually and necessarily incurred by them in the defense of a settlement of any actual or threatened action, suit or proceeding in which they, or any of them, are made a party by reason by their being or having been a Director or Officer of the Organization, except in relation to matters as to which such Director or Officer shall be adjudged in such action, suits or proceedings to have not acted in good faith. All persons, Organizations or other entities extending credit to, contracting with, or having any claim against, the Organization, may look only to the funds and property of the Organization for the payment of any such contract or claim, or for the payment of any debt, damages, judgment or decree, or of any money that may otherwise become due or payable to them from the Organization.
The Organization may indemnify and reimburse out of the corporate funds any person (or the personal representative of any person) who may at any time serves or shall have served as a director, officer, employee or other agent of the Organization, or who serves or shall have served at its request as a director, officer, employee or other agent of another organization in which it has an interest, whether or not in office at the time, against and for any and all claims and liabilities to which he or she may be or become subject by reason of such service, and against and for any and all expenses necessarily incurred in connection with the defense or reasonable settlement of any legal or administrative proceeding to which he or she is made a party by reason of such service, except with respect to any matter as to which he or she shall have been adjudicated in any proceeding not to have acted in good faith in the reasonable belief that his or her action was in the best interests of the Organization. In effecting such indemnity and reimbursement, the Organization may enter into such agreements and direct the officers of the Organization to make such payment or payments and take such other action (including employment of counsel to defend against such claims and liabilities) as may in its judgment be reasonably necessary or desirable. Such indemnification or reimbursement shall not be deemed to exclude any other rights or privileges to which such person may be entitled.
Indemnification of the persons specified in Article IX, Section 1 may include payment by the Organization of expenses incurred in defending a civil or criminal action or proceeding in advance of the final disposition of such action or proceeding upon receipt of an undertaking by the person indemnified to repay such payment if he or she shall be adjudicated to be not entitled to indemnification under this Bylaw or under the General Laws of Texas.